Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The shooting in Garland Texas is the talk of news programs. Invariably, their discussions take on an air of martyrdom with TV talking heads implying our greatness as a country because we tolerate bad things happening in the name of protection our sacrosanct Constitutional rights. In this case, two people are dead, and a third man wounded. People, including myself, have no problem connecting the incident to the guilty parties who are the New York-based American Freedom Defense Initiative led by Pamela Geller. Geller’s organization organized the event in Garland Texas and centered it on an award of $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting Prophet Muhammad. While investigating this on the internet, I ran across an item in Pamela Geller’s history that puzzled me. The author of the article stated that she raise $3.2 million in support of her efforts to promote hate for Muslims. That is a lot of money. Who in the United States would support such efforts with that amount of money? I do not know, but I am sure it was from large donations and not with $1 and $2 grassroots donors. During the Watergate scandal, one of the reporters quoted his informant, “If you want to know the source, follow the money.” To do this is not an easy task because it involved the Jew against Jew conflict embodied in the New Israeli Fund, which has many wealthy donors who oppose the equally wealthy donors to the Zionist philosophy. Geller gained name recognition in the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) ban on advertising on the sides of city buses. A Federal Court ruled that anti-Hamas ads must run on the sides of New York City Buses, which the MTA overcame by declaring they would run no ads—zero—on the sides of the buses; thus avoiding the freedom of speech aspect. The main clue as to where Geller’s money was coming from was that Geller’s so-called Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions or BDS ads exposed wealthy Jewish donors who support the New Israeli Fund. The New Israeli Fund is the name of the organization of America Jews who oppose the radical Right Wing Benjamin Netanyahu government in Israel. The truth is that the sentiment of the ads places her squarely in the radical right wing Zionist camp of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In other words, Geller is bringing Israeli politics into the United States. The ramifications of all of this are far reaching. It sounds like a fanciful stretch of the imagination that what happened in Garland, Texas was an extension of the Israeli-Palestine conflict, but the truth is that Israeli hate for Muslims was the driving force; it just happened to be that the hate was in the head of a near demented American Citizen who knows how to misuse her freedoms. URL: firetreepub.blogspot.com Comments Invited and not moderated

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