Friday, March 6, 2015


This morning’s show, +Morning Joe, on MSNBC was particularly disturbing. Joe Scarborough, the host of the show was notably excessive in his “righteous indignation”, which was telling. It caught me off guard. The subject at hand was that students at the University of California at Los Angles questioned a student’s right to a position in student government based on her faith. Eventually, a faculty member intervened and the student board approved the young woman for the position she sought. Joe ostentatiously hit the roof and all his sycophants joined in his indignation with equally vigorous histrionics, each trying to out-do the other in their indignation. The incident pales in comparison but in my mind, is an unequivocal result of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives inviting the Israeli Prime Minster as a direct and pointed insult to the President of the United States. The President is trying to solve one of the worst problems plaguing humankind in which Israeli relations to the Muslims world is in serious question.  The radical right-wing Israeli Prime minister Netanyahu is traveling around the world, in the name of Israel, stirring up hate for Muslims and taking advantage of Muslim-Jewish conflicts in France, Germany, and in the United States. He is fully aware that most Jews agree with our President that Israel must stand as a free and independent faith-based nation, but do not agree with Netanyahu’s radical hate Muslims “no matter where you find them” defense, which is what is stirring up smoldering anti-Semitism around the world. Inviting Jews from around the world to immigrate to already overcrowded Israel to avoid anti-Semitism he is creating is a never-ending cycle and is dead wrong. Religious based hate is so old world; smack of never ending war and the 15th-century crusades.    

I believe we have prejudices buried innately in on beings, which is something I have written about in the past. We have learned how to modify innate feelings as part of our culture; I usually refer to xenophobia as my prime example; however, spiritual beliefs seem equally deeply embedded in our physic. This morning Joe and his sycophants said such asinine and unreasonable things as, college students should know enough not ask questions. His level of indignation and the nature of his response to the incident convinced me that Joe Scarborough may have “learned” that it is wrong to hate those of another religion but that his innate anti-Semitic was showing. 

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