Friday, August 23, 2013


I tuned into the Morning Joe (MSNBC) this morning and was delighted to find that Joe wasn’t there. It soon became evident that his cynicism was.  +Brian Shactman, a regular on the show, was sharing his opinion about the Middle East (Syria, Egypt) by remaking the remark, “Repair [Americas] reputation overseas . . .” he implied that American’s reputation in the world was bad and it somehow was Obama’s fault.  The big question I have for him is to ask, “In whose eyes is America’s reputation bad?”

In a blog titled American Foreign Policy (; 8/20/13), I explained what I see as a dramatic change in American Foreign Policy under Obama. In the eyes of almost every county, with few exceptions, American foreign policy has historically been bad—a bully policy. At the same time, in the eyes of Americans, it has been sterling; as the most powerful country in the world, we love ourselves as champions of democracy, freedom, fairness, and benevolent caretakers of the rest of the world. We love our power. The countries in the most of rest of the world did not see it that way.  As long as we controlled their governments and as long as they did and said what we wanted them to do and say—that they loved us, for example—they were our friends. We took their oil, we exploited their labor, we depleted their natural resources, and we contaminated their environments with our industrial pollution. In the words of John McNasty, either they comply or bomb, bomb, bomb.

A few called our bluff, broke free, and expressed their true feelings; +Hugo Chaves, and +Fidel Castro, for example. Our media excoriated these dissenters to the point that everyone in the county felt they were evil. I refer to all of this as the Reagan foreign Policy but in truth, our government’s foreign policy, from the start, was ugly and we should not be looked at it with pride. The response to Brian Shactman’s remark is that our reputation in the world was truly terrible and Obama is trying to fix it. The world respected us because they feared us; that same as an NRA punk with an AK47 and 500 rounds of ammunition in a classroom of children is respected, but not loved.

The sea change that Obama is trying to bring about in our foreign policy in the eyes of some is naïve but for most, if they understand it, know it is well intended. To be fair and honest is admirable but is not the most profitable way to do business. The neo-cons see our armies as tools to force “good deals” for themselves; they do not understand the word ‘fair’; thus, hate Obama.

It only makes sense in the context of the evolution of social biology or evolutionary psychology. Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist, wrote a brilliant book The Better Nature of our Angels, in which he asked the questions, “What is the world coming to? and “How bad was the world in the past?” The book was well document and illustrated that the world is changing. The number of violent incidents is becoming less and less and in addition, there is a diminution in the violence in each incident.

The United States foreign policy is finally following that trend. Pinker put emphasis on the incidence of violence, murder etc and by including wars, included foreign relations. The message for foreign policy was clear. The world is changing from a violent place to a peaceful place, from a greedy place into an altruistic place. It is hard to believe that Obama and Hillary Clinton are the only ones who have read and understands that message. This is just one of many reasons I think Obama is a truly great president and why Hillary should be our next president. Who else understands that Egypt is fighting to become a democracy and not a caliphate equivalent to a cesspool of continued religious violence? The neo-cons in control of the Republican Party, the business as usual types, would sell out democracy to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood supporters in exchange for the right for American companies to do business in Egypt. I hope Obama can resist them.

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