
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It should be obvious there is a reason Republicans and not Democrats are trying to block the vote. Obama would be elected easily if everyone votes, which is why “they” are trying to steal the election. They know if the elections are fair they lose. The reason I even bother to blog about this at this late date is that some of you, but not many I hope, will vote Republican against your own interest. Because you have been lied to and believed the lies, because he is black or as they say in South Africa or north Florida he is colored, or because he didn’t do this or that; things he could not do because the Republican in congress blocked his agenda. Remember, you elected the congress.  Or, because they said it’s unfair to blame Bush for the economic mess Republicans created and believe them because you want to be fair.  If these things erase the fact for you that he is for the working class and not Wall Street then it can only mean you think you are in the 1% . . . Dream On; you may wake up in a couple of years in poverty and screaming in the throes of a nightmare.

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