
Wednesday, November 7, 2012


During the “feel good environment” or “glow” of winning there will be a tendency for a person to put down their guard down, which makes them vulnerable. All I am saying to Obama followers is celebrate your victory but keep you eyes open. We have a uncompromising element in this country and anyone who thinks they are going to be “magnanimous in defeat” will live to regret it. Last time they, including Cantor and Ryan for example, had a meeting shortly after the election during which they decided to sacrifice the country to defeat Obama even before the Chief Justice swore him in to office. That has not changed. The angry politically extreme people are still there both in and out of office. For example, the people reelected Paul Ryan and Michele Bachman and large numbers of people voted for Allen King and others like him even though they were defeated; thus, they have a closed constituency like FOX NEWS—who only listens to themselves—to keep reinforcing their agenda. An important point is that huge numbers of people also voted for candidates like Todd Akin and Murdock who have a fanatic religious agenda and not a political agenda. The people with the die hard political agenda were using them—the old Newt Gingrich 1994 approach to government corruption; if I get you elected you vote the way I tell you or have you forgotten the “Contract on America”.  

 An extremist ideology, not a conservative agenda, is what drives them. The idea that they want Ayn Rand philosophy, a political philosophy born out of hate, to prevail is telling.  Just because Obama is in the White House does not mean they will suddenly join him (we the people) in keeping the United States of America as the best country in the world. They will destroy it and all it stands for at the drop of a hat to satisfy their lust for power.  

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