Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What should be a truism is that if you are not proud of the way you earned your money you should give it back. Every worker is, and should be; proud of the way he or she earns their money. They have nothing to hide. However, once you move into the business world, things change. Of course, there are many good and honest business people but there are those who give good business people a bad name. Schemes and swindles have started to become the norm to the point that we no longer recognize them for what they are. We often cannot tell where good business ends and thievery begins: for example, a giant corporation putting a small store out of business or the selling of computer printer ink for $1.00 or more per milliliter or $3,790 per gallon (3790 milliliters/gallon). In Romney’s case, he and his co-conspirators overcharge for their work and capital; some would call it greed. They simply took advantage of all the great benefits of our country crated and paid for honest “workers” through their taxes but not willing to pay as well.

Being legally able to hide the details of their greed is another step on what is becoming the well-traveled road to plutocracy, control by the rich. Where is the ethics in that?