Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Do we really know what is going on in the Middle East? I was at a dinner party, and the subject of veteran status came up in a fleeting way. One of the guests had been a Marine officer in Iraq and brought up the subject of the great abundance of American money in the area. The discussion turned to something else very quickly as if it was old hat because it was. I turned to a discussion on TV this morning concerning the status of the Iraqi Army in Iraq. Although in the majority, they abandoned their American weapons and fled. The talking head on the Iraqi War and the Middle East, of course, they are all experts because they have been there, went on to talk about the Muslim religious sects involved. He said it was a religious war, which I believe; however, the point that got my attention was that none of it made sense. What reports have told us is that a Sunni-backed ISIS group conquered the city of Ramadi. ISIS, supported by Iran, whiles the Iraqi government, reported to be Shia, the same religious sect as Iran, was defending the city. That is a Shia army conquered a Sunni City defended by the Iraqi government. In other words, the country is majority Sunni, but the army is majority, Shia. When the ISIS attacked the city, the defenders trained, by the US at great expense, dropped their weapons and other equipment, and fled. The obvious question relates to the religious sect of the Army. The young marine officer re-enters the picture now. Wheelbarrows full of money were sitting around; those who were training the so-called Iraqi army handed out hands full of it. The total expenditure in Iraq was 25 billion. Also, to training the army, they were training the police as well. Also to receiving food and clothing, the U. S, Government paid the people handsomely for their efforts. The officer noticed that the same people who lined up to be paid for being trained as police were the same ones lining up to be paid for being in the army. We all know that it seemed to take forever to train one of them. A US we can train a recruit in 12 weeks, in Iraq it was taking two years. We can assume that the same people moved to a different region and started the training all again. In poverty stricken country with unbelievably high unemployment, training for the army or police was obviously not a high-stress job, but also was a high paying job, which was obviously bad and everyone knew it, which begs the question why was something not done to correct the situation. After all, it was taxpayers’ money. Therefore, we can logically assume it goes back to money—as it always does. We can assume that some American personnel was making money big time. Presumably, the people getting rich were high-ranking army officers. Clearly, the Congress of the United States should investigate. To get back to the fall of Ramadi, apparently, the US personal tried to determine loyalty of police and army recruits, which is often a failed exercise as numerous incidences of these people in training firing on their trainers have been recorded giving creditability to failure of this effort. Besides, reports were that ISIS was a rag-tag bunch of untrained radicals. When the city of Ramadi fell, the media reported that those far superior numbers of US trained personal dropped their arms and fled when faced with a small number of ISIS fighters. As it turns out, Saddam Hussein’s well-trained army ISIS is well represented in ISIS held tightly to together by the bonds of Islam and they a faced a bunch of untrained people loyal only to themselves. Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim while Iraq population is Muslim (90 %) it is composed of a mixture of religious sects includes both Sunni and Shia; however, religion enters the discussion only when it is important to differentiate Islam from Christianity, such as Bin Laden did while sects enter the discussion of power structure only when convenient. What we overlook is that we have an element in our population who do the same thing. The Iraqi war has shown us that these folks are now extended to the military. In the face of what just happened, doesn’t it strike you as a little strange to read in the newspaper John McCain and others plea that we urgently send more weapons to the US trained Iraq army to retake Ramadi from the “evil to the core” Iranian-backed Shia or is it Sunnis, or does it matter? They worship money and country loyalty and religion only enter the picture only when it is convenient. URL: firetreepub.blogspot.com Comments Invited and not moderated

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