Thursday, April 23, 2015


Peter Schweizer, a Republican operative authored the forthcoming hit piece, CLINTON CASH. Everyone knows the book is a lexicon of untruths but is an instant bestseller. In the past this connection puzzled me until I discovered rich Republican Party operatives buy up thousand of copies of these kinds of books and give then away, such as they did with Ann Coulter's books, such as Never Trust a Liberal, which were poorly written trash but the New York Times out it on their best seller list. The same thing is happening again, which created another puzzling association, which that talking head on TV and talk radio are praising it.

Fox News and Joe Scarborough and other disseminators of political lies seem delighted to have more and more anti-Hillary books in their libraries. There is a reason for this. Everyone knows the purpose of these books, which is to provide an endless stream of lies for people like Joes Scarborough and Fox News host to reference. These are clever people who could easily come up with their lies, but there is a reason they don’t. These talking heads have a perverse sense of journalistic propriety; they will not say anything they cannot reference. Obviously, they know what they are saying is a lie but it is not their lie; therefore, they are not responsible for lying.

I had no idea when this type of politics started, but the books may have new titles, but their source(s) is not new. We do not have to wait to find out what the source is. We know from recent past. In the context of Hillary Clinton, I am referring to the now fully revealed nefarious dealing of the notoriously evil millionaire, Richard Mellon Scaife. The shock of all shocks is that although a different source of money, the same organizations, they use an identical process. The Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, Judicial Watch, the Cato Institute, Freedom Works, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), American Spectator, NewsMax, the Hoover Institution, and many, many other patriotically named organization are playing central roles. No one is ashamed of this history or tries to hide the associations; we read these names in the news and hear them named on TV and talk radio every day. Their lack of shame confirms they intentionally target an audience that is looking for confirmation of their political bias.

Scaife legacy of bankrolling the so-called “conservative intellectual infrastructure” has a different target. In his day, it was anti-Clinton and he was behind the victories of Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich who gave us the devastating trickle-down economics we are still paying for everyday and the disastrous rise of the neo-cons that gave us Iraq.  Now they are paying authors to write books with the intention of defaming Hillary Clinton. The Koch Brothers, and bundler like the dirtiest of all political operatives, who is Karl Rove, have taken his place. The ultimate purpose is to elect a minority government; a government people of the rich, which the people do not want. Have you noticed they never support any issue; it is all personal; it is all anti-Clinton. The Koch brothers know that tagging any story with their name is poison; therefore, like Scaife, who also avoid publicity, they go to great lengths to hide the association with any political cause.

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