Thursday, March 26, 2015


The Middle East is breaking down into two camps religious camps, or at least we should try to break it down into two camps. One side has Iran at its center and the other centering on with Saudi Arabia. It is shaping up into a huge intra-Islamic conflict; that is an internal religious war, blurred by sovereign boundaries. With that image in mind, the Israeli-United States dispute takes on a different image.

By asking us to oppose Iran, in effect, the Israelis are asking us to side with Saudi Arabia against Iran. Look at the consequences of that alliance in eyes of the Muslim world. Saudi Arabia has as it allies United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, and Sudan, which would be our friends. Contrast this with Iran’s allies, which are Lebanon, Palestinian Authority, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela, which would be our enemies. Israel is asking us to position ourselves right in the middle of a geopolitical-religious war, which we are encouraging to take place. Surprising or shocking! It should not be either. We are asking Muslims to clean house and get rid of the extremist among them. That is what “no boots on the ground” mean. We will not spill our blood or sacrifice our fortune to solve their internal problems. What is surprising and shocking is that Israel and their treasonous allies in our Congress are asking us to become embroiled in that religious war to their benefit—a few more settlements they exaggerate to mean their existence. This sound as if it is an overstatement, but they could choose to get along with their neighbor as a two states or perpetuate problems so they can confiscate land. A two-state solution would end their land acquisition.

There are trouble spots in the pan-Muslim alliances that do not allow it to fall nicely into one or other of the camps; for example, Yemen, Syria, and most importantly, Iraq, all three of which are in turmoil. What should be obvious is that Israel logically falls in the Saudi Arabia camp but does it? These two countries do not have diplomatic relations, but there are behind the scene signs that they are cooperating diplomatically. To admit that a relationship would sound counter to their cry to the world of everybody hates us, nobody loves us theme.

Now put the argument the recent news that the United States is conducting airstrikes around Tikrit, Iraq; thus, joining an Iranian-backed Shiite militia offensive against a Saudi Arabia back Sunni gang of Islamic thugs or extremists. Add, to this the information that our air strikes came due to requests by the Iraqi government. A Shiite government governs the Iraqi nation while ISIL or ISIS are the ones being attacked in Tikrit, which represents an organization funded by wealthy Sunni donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. As confusing as it is this somehow, this all seems orderly and consistent with their respective religious affiliations until Israel becomes involved.

Israel apparently wants us to upset that balance by siding with them by hating Iran, which would guarantee perpetual war in the region but more important for them; it would also justify their refusal for a two-state solution. In the name of peace, our President must say no to that.  

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